Susan Aihoshi

Torn Apart

Related Books and Films

Caged Eagles, by Eric Walters, Orca Books, 2000. 14-year-old Tadashi Fukushima and his family are forced to abandon their home in a fishing village and journey to Vancouver. The family is separated at the Hastings Park dentention centre where they await an uncertain fate.

A Child in Prison Camp, by Shizuye Takashima, Tundra Books, 1971. Drawing on her own childhood experience, artist Shizuye Takashima offers a poignant tale of her family's evacuation and internment in New Denver.

Mr. Hiroshi's Garden, by Maxine Trottier, Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2006. Originally published as Flags, this book for younger readers describes the friendship between a prairie girl visiting her grandmother on the west coast and a Japanese gardener.

Naomi's Road, by Joy Kogawa, Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2005 updated edition. Based on Joy Kogawa's award-winning novel Obasan, the story of Naomi Nakane's experience of the evacuation is sensitively told.

Naomi's Tree, by Joy Kogawa, Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2010. A companion book to Naomi's Road, this volume looks at the story behind the cherry tree that grew in the yard of Joy Kogawa's family home.

The Reunion, by Jacqueline Pearce, Orca Books, 2002. In a small town on Vancouver Island during WWII, a feud between a Sikh girl and her Japanese Canadian friend finds resolution decades later.

Henry's Glasses, written and directed by Brendan Uegama, Directors Guild of Canada/LNG Productions, 2010. A short film set in a re-created B.C. internment camp about the gift of a magical pair of glasses to a young boy from his grandfather.!

Sleeping Tigers: The Asahi Baseball Story, directed by Jari Osborne, NFB, 2003. A documentary about the famed baseball team.